Okay, lets see if I can wade through some of the comments.

First off, there seems to be some confusion as to what this story was. I write this sad, emotionally angst-ridden vignette and everyone says they thought is was funny. The gentle readers seem to have a twisted idea of what humor.

Also, there seems to be some confusion as to my retirement. I'm not retired from working for a living (in fact I had to work an 18 hour day yesterday) just so I can write more fanfiction. I'm retiring from fanfic so all the new writers coming into their own on the boards have more room to showcase their stuff. Aren't I just the most noble guy. You know what they say about me. I'm just a darn nice guy.

This also brings up Wendy's comment about what would be next... peace? Actually, the only thing I've had any thoughts on would be a sequel to 'To Protect and Serve', because I think I just might have left a tiny, niggling, unresolved thread or two, but probably not. But, I don't think it would be a good idea to waste a lot of time writing another loooong story that no one really wants to read.

Now, as for this story. I'm glad that some of you liked the handling of the 'argument' as a flashback recapsulization as Lucy lay in bed. We've all seen just about every version of this 'fight' that can be imagined, from loud and accusitory, to restrained and forgiving. I didn't want to bore everyone by trotting that out again.

Also this was by no means a 'hidden' challenge for Wendy. Again, we've all seen dozens of different 'miraculous' cures for Clark's deadness so I didn't think it would be necessary to invent another strange way to do it. That wasn't the point of the story, nor did I plan a 'punchline'. I thought it would be more fun to let the gentle readers provide their own miracle return. Actually I kind of like ChaaBreh's idea of Superman going in disguise as Clark. I also think that it would be fun if Lucy was the one who came up with it. That would fit in with the general tone of the story.

Time to get comfy in my Herman Miller Ambi office chair, which I got cheap (an advantage of working for a company that installs office furniture), and sit in front of my computer screen and read fanfic. So get writing out there.

Tank (who admits that he likes the concept of Lucy Lane even if she hasn't always been done very well in the various medium)