Lucy gasped as she took in the forlorn, disheveled woman sitting on the edge of her couch. Lois had clearly been out during the evening since she was still wearing a stylish red dress. But now it looked almost as if she had slept in it. Her hands were shredding a tissue. A large pile of similar tissues littered the floor in front of her. The half empty box was next to her on the couch. Lois' face was tear-streaked, and her eyes were red and puffy from what had obviously been a long crying jag. She knelt down in front of the distraught woman and gently began to wipe her sister's cheeks with her thumbs. She was aghast. Lucy had never seen Lois this upset before. Not even when their father had walked out for good.
Lois' external appearances absolutely hint to her internal chaos and grief-stricken plight.

Feeling the hot prick of her own tears beginning to form in the back of her eyes, Lucy had to take a breath before she could speak. "It's okay, Lois, it's me Luce. Can you tell me what's wrong?"
Very poignant!

Definitely a unique TOGOM variant and very interesting. thumbsup

If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.

Waking a Miracle by Aria