So, after more consideration, I found this story. I thought - and still think - that it is a fairly compelling story, but I can see that it has not been as well received as I had hoped. [Frown] Oh, well. [Frown]
I can assure you, Bob, that I was totally engrossed in this story. I think it's great.

All too true. Lex, insane or not, is a supervilliai. If he devotes all of his abilities and resources to something, then the result should not be easy to avoid or escape.
YES! YES! There is a reason that Lex Luthor, an "ordinary" human, is Superman's #1 villain and has been able to remain so. Lex doesn't have Kryptonian superpowers - he's got superpowers in a different way. (The "Evil Brain" of the "Love and Capes" series comes to mind.) Bob is writing Lex here as a worthy adversary for Superman.

I believe if you are going to go dark, it has to feel real. One of the reasons that I can't stand Tempus, is that he's a joke. He loses for stupid reasons. With all the resources he can bring to bear, he would never lose the way he does. When a super-villian such as Lex comes after you, you are going to have a bad day. And it won't be light and fun. [Frown]
This is a really good point. Again, if Lex Luthor is a worthy adversary of Superman, you have to show why that is so. Bob is doing that, and doing it well.

I've used this theme before. BIG evil doesn't just come after you, it comes after everyone you care about.
'Nuff said.