Hi, VirginiaR

Let's start with this:
Okay, who gave this WAFFy writer entree into our Evil Writers club?
/Pssst. Wasn't Part 9 the one we decided was supposed to be WAFFy, Bob? You didn't *need* to go in the completely opposite direction to prove me wrong, you know./
I was looking forward to your reaction. I remember this FDK you gave back in chapter 6:
I'm hoping parts 9-10 are a nice lull of Bobbart WAFF. I'm going to need it after this.
I knew when we got to this chapter that I was going to have to answer for the lack of WAFF.

So, here goes: I spent over two years looking for a story to follow SkyFall. After the first six months, I knew that I couln't find a WAFFy story that worked. Then I spent another year looking for some non-WAFF story to tell the return of Superman.

Severl times I was ready to give up. I had the explanation for Clark's parents - basically chapter 1 of this story - and I was simply going to post that as a short to close the story out. However, I didn't want to leave it with the other two threads (Superman's return and what happened to Lex) hanging open. So, after more consideration, I found this story. I thought - and still think - that it is a fairly compelling story, but I can see that it has not been as well received as I had hoped. frown Oh, well. frown

Now, to the rest of your FDK:
Lex has been shoved (or jumped willingly) over the edge into the Joker's level of insanityville. Superman stuck in an inescapable trap. Lois locked in an apartment with the handmaiden from hell.
All too true. Lex, insane or not, is a supervillian. If he devotes all of his abilities and resources to something, then the result should not be easy to avoid or escape.
It was a little bit confusing that you chose the name "Martha" for Lois's lady's maid, being that you already have a Martha in the story. Was the a reason for this? Or was it purely by accident?
Your point/question about Martha's name came up during beta review. The name is deliberate. I won't say why for now, but I will speak more to that later.
So, is Lois in Italy or is that just where Lex is planning on taking her when all is said and done? And Superman is back in Metropolis?
Superman is in Metropolis. Lois's location will become clear later.
Who is going to save our heroic duo? You've got me pulling out my hair here. How are they going to escape? How? How? How?
smile I hope you are still around when we reach the end. smile

Thank you so much for the note. I really appreciate it.