Hi Bob!

Let’s see if Lois is still alive and not married to Lex.

This was a man who had more money and power than any reasonable person could want, but continued to take and destroy seemingly only for the pleasure of doing so.
Well, what else is one to do to avoid getting bored out of one’s mind?

As Clark Kent he'd never been in a position to see behind the mask that Luthor usually wore.
Yes, Superman really should have tried to remove that mask when his fingernails where still superstrong.

“Did you wonder why there was a thick concrete wall right in the path you were supposed to follow for that demolition?”
So, how did he get the wall in there?

So, did you enjoy it when I dropped the building on you?!”
[Linked Image] Lex did it again, this time with his own building. Duh! I just thought that only almost destroying the building would be too complicated.

If you escape, every one of them and their families will be killed.”

“Why?” Clark croaked.
To motivate them, of course.

“Because the game isn't over,” Luthor snapped. “You thought you'd won.” With every word his voice grew a little louder. “First you took my city and then you took everything else. You need to know that the game isn't over until I say it is!” he shouted. By the time he had finished he'd been shouting at the top of his lungs.
I wonder if Lex will explode in a thousand little pieces when he keeps that up.

“If you want to win so badly, why don't you just kill me?” Clark asked in a croaking voice. “Why all the trouble to build this room?”
Because a comic book villain needs to gloat and monologue and plan and build. After all, how else can the here escape? Clark really needs to read more.

“Oh, and one more thing. You came here to rescue the lovely Ms. Lane. Well, I thought you should know that I have no plans to release her – ever. I have plans for her, but... well, let’s just say that I don't think Mr. Kent would approve of my plans for his wife.”
Wow. I’m truly shocked. He’s going to have Lois work at the Dirt Digger, isn’t he? Have her investigate some c-level celebrity or other.

I wonder if Lex ever read The Evil Overlord List: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilOverlordList

#6: I will not gloat over my enemies' predicament before killing them.

#26: No matter how attractive certain members of the rebellion are, there is probably someone just as attractive who is not desperate to kill me. Therefore, I will think twice before ordering a prisoner sent to my bedchamber.

The bed felt especially soft this morning, but Lois's clothes felt a little tight.
So, all prepared for #26. Question is, is the tightness from being bound with rope or a tight nightgown.

It looked more like the bedroom of a nice apartment, than what she would find in a hotel room. However, there was no window.
Oh dear. Sounds like Lex’s Ark. Will they rescue Superman and Lois by accidently digging into the Ark during their LexTower cleanup?

The bathroom was well stocked including towels, washcloths and other linens that a person might need.
What about scissors and metal nail files? She will need one of those later on, best hidden under the pillow so she can apply it to her captor’s sensitive spots.

“No, dear, I was hired to be here. But I've already been told that you aren't here by choice. If we can sit down I'll be happy to tell you all I know.”
What the…

This place,” Martha motioned to indicate the room, “doesn't feel like London to me. I guess that means we're in Metropolis.”
Actually, wouldn’t the wall outlets and the door frames be a dead giveaway as to this being the US or Europe? Not that Lois or her minder would be able to identify which European country they are in based on the outlets, but the North American vs. everywhere else style should be telling.

But the voice told me when I arrived that all meals would be delivered by the dumbwaiter.”
Escape route!

Lois went over to the dumbwaiter door. It seemed to be locked. “It's locked,” Lois said to Martha.
LOIS: Hmpf…

I assure you that we mean you no harm, and, as you will see, we have done all that we can to make your stay as pleasant as possible.”
Yeah, erm…what will the guards say once the Evil Overlord comes to claim his price?

“You'll never get away with this,” Lois said. “My husband will find me. We have powerful friends.”

“Well, that's something,” Lois grumbled. “I'm going to take a shower. I'll be out in a few minutes.”
Control room operator: Show time, guys!

Superman provided Lex with new purpose. He would destroy the hero – painfully, personally this time – and use the same operation to affect his rehabilitation with Lois. Indeed, the operation was proceeding perfectly according to plan. Superman and Lois were now exactly where they were supposed to be.
Is he actually going to try and pull off the ‘I’m here to rescue you’ card, shooting up his own goons in the process? Does he *really* think she’ll believe him?

“Sir, we can provide a feed. Also, as you know, you could speak to her directly. It would be impossible for her to recognize your voice.”
Might make him angry, have him slip up. With the amount of slime he’s oozing all the time, it’s tricky enough to keep standing as it is.

“I will send it as soon as this call is finished.”
Huh, no shower cams, what’s going?

Lex leaned back in his chair and smiled. After they were married, Lois was going to love Italy.
Is she actually in Italy? The timing could work, of course… I'm also starting to question of Lex might not actually require psychiatric treatment, possibly even some medication.

wave Michael

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