My actual original working title was The Return of Superman. I thought it would make a nice bookend opposite my The Return of Ultra Woman from a few years ago. The only reason I didn't use that title was that I didn't want to risk confusing a potential reader into believing that those stories were associated.

In any case, this time I did check the archive for the name first, so I know this one is unique.

Ultra Lucille:
I really, really enjoyed "When the Sky Falls," and I have been waiting with baited breath for the promised sequel.
Thank you. I have also been anxiously waiting for my muse to deliver the promised sequel. For the first year, the only delivery that I got was a courtroom story with Superman on trial for crimes against humanity. While I couldn't bring myself to write that, parts of it did end up in Identity.

An intriguing setup. And thanks for the refresher on the events in your earlier story. I know I had read it and enjoyed it, but the details were a little fuzzy in my mind.
I just didn't see any way to have this story be accessible after all this time without a serious review of SkyFall. It does cause the story to get going a little more slowly than I like, but I didn't see any other way. It did provide a reasonable platform to explain where Clark's parents were during the original story.

Thank's for the suggestions. As you can see, we were mostly on the same page. I did want to retain a link to the original story so I used the form you suggested with a slightly different beginning.

I hope you enjoy where it goes.

I like Bob's title and it fits very well with his original fic "When The Sky Falls". It would not be a disaster for the Archive to have two fics with the same title - it has happened before. FoLCs can easily differentiate based on author.
I'm glad you liked it but, as I said to Lynn, had I done my normal due diligence, I would have picked another title right from the beginning. My story Rumors is based on the song Something to Talk About , but when I looked in the archive I discovered that there were already two stories there with that title, so I've done this before. It's just that usually I do that research before I post anything.

Thank you for the beta help and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story.
