“Same diff,” Cat murmured.
[Linked Image] Clark’s still lying to Lois, so no tattling.

“How about we check with MPD?” Jimmy suggested. “Maybe someone there has seen CK.”
Just recently, actually.

“And I had checked all the hospitals in Metropolis by 2 a.m.”
Too early.

“Who died and made you such a Superman expert?” Lois scoffed.

“Yeah, well, I’ll have you know…” Cat started before stopping herself, her lips pressed together and her hands formed fists.
She’s probably contemplating to kill him for still lying to Lois, which prevents her from going all out on Lois.

If Lois found out that the two of them had gone off somewhere together without informing her…
Maybe to Vermont?

“She’s not one of those turban-wearing, crystal ball gazing, fraud psychics either,” Cat said,
[Linked Image]

picking up her purse and heading for the coat rack for her fluffy snowball of a winter coat.
[Linked Image]

“Okay, but the one of us not saying ‘I told you so’ afterwards, buys at the Fudge Castle.”
Good thing Lois got the 365-PMS membership pass last summer, huh?

“This man was fished out of Hob’s Bay this morning, Inspector,” Kolson said.

It was nice to see that even with a huge asteroid bearing down on Earth, organized crime went on as usual.
Well, if someone needs a good killin’, you don’t leave it to the universe to try and do the job for you. Those big organizations tend to screw up way too often. All it takes is just one guy phoning it in…

With his slicked back hair, no glasses, and his face slightly blurry as he turned away, it would have difficult to recognize his friend, but Bill knew that tie anywhere.

“Metropolis County Hospital,” Kolson replied. “I have the man under police guard.”
So, Kolson is the incompetent uniform from the harbor, huh?

Perhaps it would keep Kent safe until they could find out whose toes he had stepped on to get himself into this mess.
Well, he did lie to Lois. Repeatedly. And refused her nookie.

“You don’t need to go to Fudge Castle, later. I’ve got ice cream. For some reason, I felt the urge to buy a half-gallon of chocolate chocolate chip this morning. I should’ve known you were coming.”

“So, how’s it going with Clark?”

“Some psychic,” Lois mumbled.

“Trust me, when you’ve been on as many leather couches as I have…” Cat’s voice faded away. “It’s not important.”
Oh my. Has she been inspecting upholstery from up close again?

“About time! But then again, you’ve been in love with some version of him for…” Star paused to count something off on her fingers. “Almost four years now.”
laugh Lois sure got her wires crossed from past lives, huh?

but Clark would know that she would kill him if he tried a stupid stunt like that at any time during their relationship; actually, in or out of a relationship, he’d be dead meat.
[Linked Image]

The room seemed to sway. Cat was in love? Oh, no, no, no! Wasn’t that up there with flying pigs? Did that mean that the end of the world was nigh?
[Linked Image]

“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry,” Star said, pounding away on her head with the palms of her hands. “I don’t understand it. Everything pointed to him being Mr. Right. Maybe you just thought he was the one, but he wasn’t.”
Hmm…To whom is Star then referring to? Clark?

There was a moment at the beginning of the month when I thought you and Clark would be married by Valentine’s Day, but it was only a moment. What happened?”
They changed the law about getting married by registering as a married couple at a hotel.

“First things first, Herb’s wrong.”
jawdrop thud Hoping to score some brownie points with Miss Horndog over there, huh?

“That’s not you? I was sure that message was for you.”
Clark, actually.

“Let’s get back to our reason for coming,” Lois insisted. They could be there all day if they had to cover everything Cat had been wrong about.

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I go by Michael on the Archives.