I just want to say thanks to everyone who commented on this little bit of silliness. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing, written in about 45 minutes once I realised that it was Tank's birthday and I thought I couldn't let my occasional writing partner's birthday go past without some sort of tribute. wink Glad you liked it, Tank! laugh

As for why 'he' might have rejected Lois in the first place, well, who knows? goofy Though I do like Sarah's suggestion that Lois might have refused to cut her hair and insisted that she wanted children. wink

KathyM said:
I don't think this is an aspect that has been touched on much in fanfic before. That Lois might have been harboring some deep secret hope that accepting Lex's proposal would force Superman to admit his love for her.

Certainly this has worked on mere mortal men more than once. And since Lois believed that she would love the ordinary man beneath the super powers, perhaps she at least fantasized about such a scenario...
and KathyB also commented on it:
Though I have to agree with KathyM about Lois's hope that Superman (or Clark, for that matter) would come to stop the wedding, declaring his undying love for her as he marched down the aisle to carry her away, is an interesting void in our fanfic ... hmm, maybe you have your next story in mind now. <bg>
LOL! goofy

But, yes, it is an intriguing approach, and is another possible way to explain Lois's crazy decision to marry Lex. Maybe she never really did think that she'd have to go through with it? Perhaps she was, even subconsciously, hoping that Superman would change his mind when confronted with, she hoped, feelings of jealousy.

Would I write a story based on that premise? Well, I wouldn't say no, but I do have several other WIPs which I need to get back to fairly soon, so I don't want to commit to anything - and I wouldn't want to stop someone else from using this premise in the meantime, either. If anyone else does want to run with it, feel free, though it'd be nice if you mentioned the source of the inspiration. wink

Hope you had a great birthday, Tank!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*