Nice job, Wendy. smile

In her comments, Pam wrote,
I was about halfway through before I twigged to who "he" probably was, or at least who he wasn't
Me too, Pam! And I'm a bit embarrassed to say that, considering I just finished reading and writing feedback on the "other" birthday story.

But before I realized exactly what you were doing, Wendy, I really liked this:

She’d accepted his proposal, if she was honest with herself, purely on the rebound. And - this required even more honesty - as an act of defiance, in the hope that *he* would realise just what he’d thrown away and that he’d come crawling to her, begging her to forgive him and marry him instead.
Because I don't think this is an aspect that has been touched on much in fanfic before. That Lois might have been harboring some deep secret hope that accepting Lex's proposal would force Superman to admit his love for her.

Certainly this has worked on mere mortal men more than once. And since Lois believed that she would love the ordinary man beneath the super powers, perhaps she at least fantasized about such a scenario...

But that's not the direction this story headed, is it? :rolleyes: But it was terrific, nonetheless, especially the promise about the hair...

Happy Birthday again, Tank! party


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