Yes, a much different tone.
Main reason I split it into 2 stories. Plus, I liked the titles.

Clark seems happier, and I wondered at the change. Surely, it can't be because Lois is lying in the hospital because he wasn't around to save her? Was it her calling out to "Clark" when he came upon her bloody and shot in the street that made him finally have hope?
More relief that she's pulled through. He's still pretty down on himself until he starts to talk to Lois though. Preparing to see her gives him a sense of purpose, so he has less time to dwell.

Deciding to leave her and Metropolis completely seems to be the slap in the face he needed. More so than her getting shot.
Actually, I meant for Lois telling him she told Dan to take a hike to be the sobering slap in the face.

Clark Kent, martyr.
Yup. laugh

I loved his indecision at the florist. How he's pulled in two different directions. Does having made the decision to leave finally given him the confidence to tell Lois -- despite Scardino -- that he loves her? I was almost at the point of yelling 'mix them together already!' when he finally decided to get her both. Phew!
evil Excellent! That's what I was hoping for!

Oh, look! A sheepish Clarkie bear.

I'm actually a little surprised that the florist would have 'get well' balloons. That seems more the stock and trade of hospital gift shops.
Nah. Some of my local florists where I grew up just outside of Manhattan carried everything. Stuffed animals, cards, balloons, vases, chocolates too I think. Even my Stop and Shop floral areas carry balloons.

She does seem a bit alert for almost dying the night before.
That's Lois. Almost dying was a minor hiccup on her radar.

My, their both pretty chipper for her being the hospital and usually a grouch, and all.
Clark's just relieved. And Lois doesn't have his bleak mood because she chose him.

Like he would have known who to look for anyway.
Clark Kent - world's biggest self-blamer.

Awwwwwwwwwwww and finally!

Wow! Is that the drugs giving back her self-confidence?
No, she made that decision to tell him the night before. She *did* at the end of WWW.

Um... How would Scardino know that Lois was in the hospital? Clark didn't tell him. Nobody but Lois knows how to contact him and I can't see her calling him.
Nope. Clark's just talking without really thinking. He's still processing "I love you." wink

A-Ha! It wasn't Clark's fault she was on the street at 2:30am, it was Scardino's for delaying her until that time.
Yup. evil

I don't see how Dan "abandoned" her. a) he didn't know she was shot and in hospital. b) she DUMPED him. How is that abandonment?
Well, wouldn't it feel a little like that if the person who was all over you two seconds ago heard something they didn't like and then fled across the country to get away from you?

Lois Lane card carrying member of the lock-pickers club of America.
It always amazes me during the ARGH that she can't remember she loves Clark, but remembers perfectly well how to pick a lock with a paper clip. Maybe MacGyver was her real father, not Sam Lane?

CLARK! Didn't getting robbed the year before teach you ANYTHING?
Apparently not. In HoL, when he's on the phone, he tells Perry "the key's under the mat, Chief!"

/I think you're missing a paragraph break here./
Thank ya.

That makes sense. Clark wouldn't have been able to keep up the facade when seeing Lois like that.
Glad you mentioned that. *This* was the seed from which both stories evolved from. All I had going into this was Lois getting badly hurt and recognizing Superman as Clark based on the emotions she saw on his face.

You guys kiss exactly alike?
Um, I actually have thought of writing one where the kiss is what gives him away. cool


This makes sense.
Yay! Thanks!

CLARK: No, I find flying away is much faster.

CLARK: Again, that's my aura, but I'm more than willing to share it with you. Thing is, it works best if we're naked.


Thank you for reminding Clark and us where she is.

Okay, I've got to run out. I'll do the other half of the story later... probably tonight. Sorry, about the half-FDK.
No problem! It was lovely to wake up to some feedback, even if I had to wait until afternoon to respond.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon