Yes, a much different tone. Clark seems happier, and I wondered at the change. Surely, it can't be because Lois is lying in the hospital because he wasn't around to save her? Was it her calling out to "Clark" when he came upon her bloody and shot in the street that made him finally have hope?

But at the beginning of this story he's once again stating that he's going to leave town, only now that she's injured he can't leave her. clap

I consider getting a Get Well balloon as well, but I think Lois might get right out of bed and remove my spleen for that one.
Um.... then wouldn't it be worth it? clap

"I know. I also know now that part of the reason I've been so angry with you lately is because I've felt rejected. And that hurt, because I love you Clark. Completely, truly in love, in a way I've ever felt for anyone else. Or ever could feel for another."
Wow! Is that the drugs giving back her self-confidence?

where is he anyway? Wildman Scardino couldn't be bothered to come visit you while you're here?
Um... How would Scardino know that Lois was in the hospital? Clark didn't tell him. Nobody but Lois knows how to contact him and I can't see her calling him.

"He was pretty angry when I told him that I don't want to see him anymore. We wound up arguing until late, him trying his best to woo me back.
A-Ha! It wasn't Clark's fault she was on the street at 2:30am, it was Scardino's for delaying her until that time. clap

"Yikes," I say, truly pained for her. Dan abandoned her, and I was about to. "Sorry."
I don't see how Dan "abandoned" her. a) he didn't know she was shot and in hospital. b) she DUMPED him. How is that abandonment?

"You went into my place?"
Lois Lane card carrying member of the lock-pickers club of America.

I was determined to talk to you, so I used the spare key under your mat
CLARK! Didn't getting robbed the year before teach you ANYTHING? clap

"You've helped to heal the wounds I once bore, helped mend my perception of home and family."
CLARK: Oh, sorry, that's my aura. It's really good for healing stuff.

"You're still hurt pretty badly. And I can only speak for myself, but I'm eager for you to get well enough to get out of here."
[Linked Image]That must have been some kiss!

"Take me home...with you? I don't want to go to my place. I think I'll heal better having you close at hand."
CLARK: Again, that's my aura, but I'm more than willing to share it with you. Thing is, it works best if we're naked. [Linked Image]

She stifles another yawn and closes her eyes, hugging that stuffed bear I brought her as if it was a lifeline. I shake my head silently, jealous of that bear.

In the sudden silence of the room, I feel ridiculously bereft. I miss the sound of her voice, filling the small room and making me forget, for a while, the situation; that Lois is hurt because I wasn't there to protect her. Now, as she drifts off, I am once more painfully aware of where I'm sitting - in a hospital room, the regular intervals of beeps from the various machines hooked to Lois the only thing breaking the oppressive silence.
Thank you for reminding Clark and us where she is.

Okay, I've got to run out. I'll do the other half of the story later... probably tonight. Sorry, about the half-FDK. blush

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.