I thought Superman's fingerprints weren't on file because TNAOS never followed up on it as a plot point. However, Vicki and Kate remembered that when they tried to fingerprint him, he broke the table, so it seems SM's prints were never on file.
This is largely to blame on the show and my job, and most certainly not on you, because you're right. Canon can be interpreted the way you describe. But I can't suspend disbelief that they would have booked him without prints. Even though they didn't show it onscreen, they would have redone the procedure & we know Clark can restrain his powers, so I have to believe he would have "behaved" the second time around, once he knew what was expected of him. That all being said, I appreciate your explanation and will read the remaining chapters with your interpretation in mind -- I'm very excited to see how the remaining chapters unfold smile

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.