
I'm curious about just what he will tell her once they are in her apartment. (Assuming, that is, that they actually get there. One thing I've learned about Corrina-fic is to expect the unexpected.)
They got to the apartment! wink


On a side note, is the Mrs. McCreadie in your story a reference to Dean Cain's one-time fiance, Mindy McCready?
No, I didn't even realise the connection until you mentioned it. I had been thinking about an old friend I haven't seen for years whose surname was McKeachie.

Aria It's great to know you're reading.

I thought Superman's fingerprints weren't on file because TNAOS never followed up on it as a plot point. However, Vicki and Kate remembered that when they tried to fingerprint him, he broke the table, so it seems SM's prints were never on file.

Pat Yep - that's the crux of the story - Lois defending Clark.

Laura Telling Bill that he's Superman won't necessarily give Clark an alibi. When you can move as quickly as he can, your exact whereabouts can be difficult to establish. As best as Clark can work out, he was in Smallville when Mayson was shot - but he's reluctant to bring his parents into this.

Kate You want WAFF? wink


You highlighted two of my favourite parts. smile


Hmm…What if the tunnel left traces of sulfur and stuff on his clothes?
That would get us into the very awkward question of where Clark's clothes go when he's in the Superman suit. I'm following the lead of the TNAOS writers - offer no explanations. laugh

Loved the keyboard-shower graemlin!

Morgana Glad you were waiting patiently - RL kept getting in the way of posting this fic.


Well, wouldn't it? When Mayson was killed he was saving a kid, wasn't he? Or do I have my timeline screwed up?
Actually, it was around the time he left Lois and flew to Smallville to see his parents.

Wolfe? Being quiet? And *listening*?!?!
Wolfe isn't incompetent. He's been doing this a long time, and he knows that looking for every tiny instant where your clear evidence *could* be pointing to the wrong conclusion is a poor use of his time.

(And anyway, in this fic, that's Lois's job!)

Thanks for the comments!
