hi Roger, nice to have you catching up! smile

I wouldn't have thought of chasing down the Kryptonite package. Of course, I thought the package was long gone.
Ah, but Wayne only mailed it a few hours ago, that morning... besides, I just couldn't face another rewrite of GGGoH! smile So I needed something different.

it's an interesting twist if they actually manage to grab it, keeping Trask from finding out about it. But then, that would be almost like a plot-untwist. It would be far more interesting if they failed to intercept the package, and all the villains around, including Trask, ended up with Kryptonite. We need to keep our favorite couple on their toes, naturally.
Naturally! Keep in mind, though, if Trask doesn't get involved in this story, he won't be shot, and will be available to pounce at some point in the future <eg>

Once the package is mailed, it's federal property until it reaches its destination. Even Wayne Irig wouldn't have been able to retrieve the package without the employee giving it back being fired.
Well, I'm not sure it's *that* bad -- it would certainly be bending the rules, but I could see a sympathetic postmistress returning the package... unfortunately for Our Heros, they didn't have a sympathetic postmistress wink

I understand the double meaning behind the "cooling down" comment, but don't understand the comment at face value. Plenty of places in the US are still dreadfully hot in October. December, maybe, but October?
Well, I haven't been to Kansas, but I'm pretty sure it's not one of the places that is still dreadfully hot in October -- besides, earlier in the story I'd established that it's a cool day. And Lois was probably thinking of Metropolis seasons anyway, since that's what she's most familiar with. This story is set only a week or less before the episode GGGoH.

Clearly, Clark let Lois do the talking. What was he thinking? They're lucky Mrs. Phipps didn't have them thrown in prison.
Thrown in prison? I think that'd be a stretch <g> considering all they did was go in and say "Wayne asked us to get this back for him, would you mind pulling it out?" They haven't committed any crimes. Yet <g>

If Mrs. Phipps is still holding a grudge against Clark for not going out with her daughter, why was she nice to him? It didn't seem like Lois was being sarcastic.
I see her as the type who blames "the other woman" for causing poor innocent husbands (or other love interests) to stray, completely against their wills... if only she could get rid of Lois, surely Clark would realize where he belonged, etc.

You know, there are some other interesting things you can do behind a Dairy Freeze. Lois did suggest something like that in the pilot.
LOL! Finally, someone got that joke! laugh Thanks!


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K