/me briefly stops her happy dance of joy to comment on Pam's reponse from part 5:

Fierce!Martha? lol She's all Kathy Brown's fault, tho... I set up the situation, but Kathy's the one who pointed out that Martha would be very protective
Does this mean I need to add another acronyym to my list? Tireless Defender Against Saint ... Martha?? Hee hee.

Now I'll resume my happy dance and read part 6 for the umpteeth time. <g> Have I mentioned lately that I love reading comments in stories I BR almost as much as I do for my own? wink

And something else was missing. It took him a moment to work out that the world had suddenly gone very quiet. Someone had turned down the volume, and eliminated many channels of sound entirely.

It wasn't just the volume that had been turned down, he confirmed. The brightness and contrast were cranked way down, too.

"Things look... different. And I can't hear."
As you well know, Pam, I was blown away by these references. I don't think I've ever seen Clark's loss of powers described in quite these ways before, yet it makes perfect sense. What a horrible feeling it must be to wake up like this. Of *course* this is how it would seem to him, as if he couldn't hear and couldn't see. The show didn't hit this part of things, but it's really powerful stuff and you describe it so nicely.

Great part ... I think you've proven that you are, indeed, unpredictible. <g>
