Pam, I see what you mean about not being predictable. I wouldn't have thought of chasing down the Kryptonite package. Of course, I thought the package was long gone. But it's an interesting twist if they actually manage to grab it, keeping Trask from finding out about it. But then, that would be almost like a plot-untwist. It would be far more interesting if they failed to intercept the package, and all the villains around, including Trask, ended up with Kryptonite. We need to keep our favorite couple on their toes, naturally. smile

If it comes to that, we can always buy some airplane tickets."

Clark made a face. "Now *there's* an incentive to get better!"

"What if you go to the post office and can't get it back? I think there are federal laws about these sorts of things." His voice edged toward the sarcastic. "I know that wouldn't bother you, Lois, but some people pay attention to laws."
This is true. Once the package is mailed, it's federal property until it reaches its destination. Even Wayne Irig wouldn't have been able to retrieve the package without the employee giving it back being fired. But being a small town, I'm surprised they didn't bring Wayne with them, or at least Jonathan, to try to sweet talk the postal worker into giving it back. Nothing says both Jonathan and Clark couldn't go along.

"Yeah, sometimes they do. It depends on the means, and the end! And don't act like you're all so pure, either, Clark, Mr. I-Lie-To-People-Constantly."

"Oh, come on, Lois -- that's to protect people; I have to do that!"

She smiled at him sweetly and went in for the kill. "Oh, so now you're saying that the ends justify the means?"
Funny argument. And naturally, Lois wins.

"Here you go. I brought some iced tea." She gave each of them a cold glass. "I thought it might help cool you down."

Lois stared at her as she retreated back inside, once more suspicious of Clark's mother's mental health. "Doesn't she know it's October?"
I'm not sure I understand this. I understand the double meaning behind the "cooling down" comment, but don't understand the comment at face value. Plenty of places in the US are still dreadfully hot in October. December, maybe, but October?

"The nerve of that woman! Where's that famous small town friendliness -- hasn't she heard about neighbors helping each other out?"
Clearly, Clark let Lois do the talking. What was he thinking? They're lucky Mrs. Phipps didn't have them thrown in prison. I'm sure Sheriff Rachel would be pretty eager to put handcuffs on both Lois and Clark, though for entirely different reasons. wink

And it's easy for you to talk, she was being nice to you. How do you know her, anyway?"

"What? Oh, Mrs. Phipps... well, just in general, of course -- oh, and her daughter Janice was in school about a year or two behind me, so we used to run into her at school events."

"Ah!" Lois looked enlightened. "That explains it, then."

Clark remained unenlightened. "How do you figure?"

"Simple. I'll bet you anything that her daughter had a crush on you, and you never even noticed, and now here you are with another woman."

"Well, maybe," Clark said, not really believing it. Little Janice Phipps, with a crush on him? "But even if she did, she must be over it by now -- she's getting married at Christmas."

"Janice may have moved on," Lois allowed, "but her mother hasn't. And shouldn't we be eating lunch? I'm hungry."
I must be dense again. If Mrs. Phipps is still holding a grudge against Clark for not going out with her daughter, why was she nice to him? It didn't seem like Lois was being sarcastic.

"Well, let's see," Clark replied, going into tour director mode. "There are a couple of chain restaurants in town -- including the ever-popular Dairy Freeze -- or we could do something more local."
You know, there are some other interesting things you can do behind a Dairy Freeze. Lois did suggest something like that in the pilot. wink

"Well... okay. But if I end up getting banned from Smallville, I'm blaming you."
LOL! thumbsup

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin