Absolutely wonderful!! Pam, I think this story is the best you've done since Tryst (not that I didn't enjoy Hearts Divided and Hubris and so on - you know what I mean!).

So many very funny lines, and so many great insights - I echo Kathy's repetition of your description of Clark's awareness of his lack of powers (too many ofs there, but you understand! wink ). So well done. Loved Martha's 'maybe this will help you cool down'. And more particularly, I liked Lois and Clark's fight. Why? Because they're already dating and they haven't known each other long. Of course there are things about each other they don't know. They don't have the long history of friendship behind them - only a couple of weeks ago they were barely speaking. I read the argument and thought 'Yes! This is exactly how it would be!' thumbsup

Loved these lines:

"What? Oh, Mrs. Phipps... well, just in general, of course -- oh, and her daughter Janice was in school about a year or two behind me, so we used to run into her at school events."

"Ah!" Lois looked enlightened. "That explains it, then."

Clark remained unenlightened. "How do you figure?"

"Simple. I'll bet you anything that her daughter had a crush on you, and you never even noticed, and now here you are with another woman."

"Well, maybe," Clark said, not really believing it. Little Janice Phipps, with a crush on him? "But even if she did, she must be over it by now -- she's getting married at Christmas."

"Janice may have moved on," Lois allowed, "but her mother hasn't. And shouldn't we be eating lunch? I'm hungry."
So funny! And so Lois! rotflol

And then there was the "If I get banned from Smallville" line... you crack me up!

Can't wait for more...

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*