Laura I didn't like the glimpse we got of Lana in the the alternate dimension. She seemed the perfect choice for this story.


And he took her gun?! Stupid, stupid Clark!
You would have preferred that he left her armed?


As I see it he has only one out. He has to go to Lois and confess to being Superman then she is his alibi because he was with her at the time the murder was done.
So then Lois knows that he didn't do it. But what about the cops? Would they really believe Lois suddenly piping up with an alibi for Clark?


Great now he has the murder weapon and it has his prints and dna. Real smart Kent.
Would it have been smarter to leave the gun with the crazy woman?


I'm glad you found the case against Lana to be compelling. Guess we'll see. smile

And Clark's reaction - it's possible I missed the deeper reasons for his behaviour, but I never liked that he withdrew from his budding relationship with Lois.


I don't like Lana much, either.


Two good thoughts. The second one is close to the crux of this story - that trying to be two people is going to catch up with you eventually.


What is Det. Wolfe's problem?
He's a homicide detective. I imagine that means he is lied to on a daily basis. He also regularly deals with tragedy, violence, and evil. He's cynical and suspicious - two characteristics that are vital in his line of work.

Meradaddy Thanks for the comment. Interesting thoughts - this story isn't really about revenge.


He could say that he has no recollection of what Clark has done during that time window. Oh, wait, you’re looking for *helpful* stuff?
Clark with amnesia! clap Perfect. Oh, wait. I did that in TMTY.

He should have wrapped Lana and delivered her to the precinct, gift wrapped.
If he'd done it as Clark, he would be held, too. If he'd done it as Superman, there was a chance Lana would twig CK=S, or if she already knew, she might make a big announcement. No, not that she's pregnant - the other one.


I think you're right. Lois's ethics are sometimes a bit different to Clark's, but I don't think she'd lie to Henderson.


1. Glad the motivation seemed realistic to you. In reality, I needed Clark out of the way for a while.

2. Very good points. laugh


Clark! What are you thinking?!?
That people are in danger of dying under a collapsed tunnel. That they need Superman, now.

Kate It's strange how you can love a character so much and still get so much enjoyment out of torturing him!


True. Even if he just says "out walking to clear my head over Lana's unexpected contol-freaking" - there's no way for him to have an alibi. Unless he admits to Henderson and Wolfe that CK=S.
This fic grew out of thinking about the fact that whenever Clark is being Superman, 'Clark' isn't anywhere. He isn't doing anything. He isn't with anyone. I figured that, eventually, that had to get him into trouble.

And all Lana has to do is get a new one to go after Lois with.
If I were visiting a city and it was very late at night, I wouldn't know where to get a gun. Perhaps that's just me.

Thanks everyone for your comments. I've been really busy lately, but I'm trying to get time to work on this fic.
