shock wallbash Stupid, stupid Clark! Now his fingerprints will be all over the murder weapon and the gun residue could be on his hands and who's to stop Lana from going and killing Lois anyways?

He's so screwed. He needs Lois' help, but how? He seems staunchly against revealing that CK=S, but it's the only thing that will get him out of this. And Lois probably won't believe him unless he tells her the truth- that he's Superman and he as actually with her at the time. And as much as I'm now thinking Lana murdered Mayson, I'm inclined to think she doesn't actually know Clark's true secret... despite that last little move of his at the end. The truth is going to come out anyway. He might as well give it all up, secret identity be damned.

Oh dear. This is quite a pickle he's in. You must save poor Clark (and your loving readers)! And soon- before we all go crazy like Lana!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain