CC - Sorry for coming late to the party. Just now catching up on all my reading from the Holiday weekend.

Wow. Great ending to a fabulous story! You took the hard road out - actually killing off Tempus. I had to laugh at your writer's notes where you stated that you loved this character far too much. I can tell - you do the most awesome job of writing Tempus and his way of speaking. I can really see him standing before me and drawling out those words in his lazy voice!

Loved how you gave Clark and Lois a real way to discover the paternity of the baby but still assured us that Clark accepted it as his. I knew he wouldn't let us down.

And finally, I have to give you great big claps for putting the fab four in a room together and letting them interact - I especially loved the interaction between the two Clarks as they waited in the hospital. It gave these two guys a chance to clear out their lingering doubts.

Wonderful, wonderful story. Thanks so much for sharing.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah