Okay, so here's what happened. I really didn't want to replicate someone else's story, so I tried to rewrite part 3. But it was awful. So after stewing over it for a few days, I've gone back to the first version. I'm sorry it took so long to get it posted - that was never my intention.

Now, to the particulars:

Virginia - I'm not saying they're going to be exact duplicates. But there are a lot of similar elements. Thanks for the reassurance on the title. smile

Lynn - Yay! I'm glad I lured you out on the second part. I'll try harder in the future to make the first part worth commenting on, too.

Mrs. Luthor - Oh, it is SO a date. laugh

Lola - I didn't mean to leave you hanging. <ducks> As for the beta part - I first got the idea last Thursday and I was rushing to get it done and posted by Valentine's. I knew your schedule is sometimes hectic and I didn't want to pressure you.

Tracey - You picked up exactly what I was trying to establish with the spice conversation. Thank you!

Sira - Oooh! Another lurker lured out into the light! Thank you so much for the compliments - I giggled and clapped when I read them.

Sarah - Will it work for you if it's just a longer part? <g>

L - Wow - I've L reading my story!?! Awesome! clap

Amber - Thank you for the highest possible compliment in fanfic. It means a lot to me that you'd think they're true to the characters. laugh

Amy - A third lurker joins the fray! Whee!

Emily - I think Lois is probably really glad that mind-reading isn't one of Clark's talents (at present, anyway). You'll have to let me know how your pudding turned out. <g>

SJH - OMG! It's been forever since you've chimed in on one of my stories. I've missed your snarkilicious sense of humor so much!

I'm going to do one more read-through of part 3 and then I'll finally get it posted. Thanks to everyone for your comments and your patience. sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis