She could see lights on in Clark's loft as she got closer. He was home then.
How fast did SM take care of that previous emergency I wonder, to make damn sure he was there when Lois made it to his apt!

"Take a chance," she whispered to herself outside his door. "You can say anything to your best friend."
I love thinking about Clark on the other side of the door hearing this, loud and clear.

Lois hadn't, but she wasn't about to admit that. "If I wasn't using them, they wouldn't be all mixed up and I'd find the one I was looking for a lot faster."
Good cover!

Anything she wanted? He'd be shocked if he knew what she really wanted at this moment.
Sometimes I wish mind-reading was among the list of Clark's talents.

Love the spice talk.

His gaze shifted from the ajwain seeds to her. "Can't I be both?"
I love this. So simple, yet so complicated. It's the essence of Clark.

"You're on." He smiled and picked up the bag of vanilla beans. "I'll make you vanilla pudding, too."
Yum! Sounds like the ideal Valentine's dinner!

"Lois, I'd make you dinner every night if you wanted."
Awwh. And she's right, he is so cute when he's flustered!

"What if I do want it to be a date?" she asked softly.
So glad she found the courage. Can't wait for the date! clap