Much better to have him just across the city than clear across the world, especially when he was now so free and open and unburdened.
Yes, otherwise you'd have to microchip him with a tracking device like a puppy.

The whole of Metropolis was in an uproar as Luthor’s empire toppled from the shining top of Lex Tower all the way down to the corrupted foundation, and the resulting front page stories were keeping both Clark and me incredibly busy.
*wonders what the unemployment rate in Metropolis has just sky-rocketed to*

Despite the late nights, however, I always woke up early, eager for the moment when Clark would arrive to kiss me as if the nights apart were as hard on him as they were on me and cook breakfast while I kept him company.
Probably harder on him actually.

The tapping sound repeated, and I froze when I realized that it was coming from the living room window.
Clark? Cloneboy? *Has* to be Clark. Right?

He raised his hand in a small wave just as I stepped close enough to see that my visitor wore a winter coat over casual clothes…and glasses.
Dangerous move, Clark! But, you are adorable, so we'll let it slide.

“I can fly!” he repeated jubilantly, laughing exultantly.
*pictures the "he can fly" scene from Peter Pan*

“I can fly!” he said again, and I idly wondered if this had been his reaction the first time he had discovered he could snub his nose at gravity. “I’m completely back to normal--well, normal for me.”

Something, some lingering darkness, fell away from Clark, and his expression lightened still further. As he floated us out of the window and shot straight up into the night sky, I knew without even looking back that the last of Luthor’s chains had fallen from Clark’s heart, leaving him, finally, unfettered and free.
Horray for the healing of mental scars! hyper

“No,” he agreed, laughter sending tremors through his voice. “But it could be *sunrise* forever.”

“You know,” Clark said when he pulled back to lean his brow against mine as we caught our breath, “you were right when you said I wandered the world searching for a place that was mine, looking for some feeling of connection, knowing--*hoping*--there was somewhere I belonged. This”--he slipped his fingers from mine to gesture to the gold and silver panorama surrounding us on all sides--“is where I usually went when I couldn’t find that place, when I despaired of ever belonging. I searched the entire globe for that feeling of rightness, Lois, but I’ve only felt it once in my life.”

“When?” I breathed out, though within my chest, my heart was fluttering as wildly if a bird had somehow become incorporeal and lodged itself within me as I flew through the sky that had once belonged to it alone.

Clark’s eyes, when they met mine, were as solid, as real, as shocking as if he possessed some other form of heatvision, piercing straight and true to the very center of my being, so direct that the breath caught in my throat and fled. “The day I met you.”
Another nice mixture of two of my favorite lines/scenes.

“I can’t believe the first time I looked into your eyes, I didn’t instantly know you were the man I’d spend the rest of my life with.”

“And I’m thinking that I might ask you out a lot more after that, maybe every day, just so I have an excuse to see you even when we’re not working.”

“And then…” The sun reflected in his eyes, twin orbs of gold and crimson hope. “Then I’m planning on asking you to marry me.”
Or you could just skip to that part. Yeah....

The taste of wind-blown mist and cool sky and drops of pure sunshine.

The sound of Clark’s smoky voice murmuring my name as if there were no other word in any language that mattered as much.

The scent of his skin, fresh and pure and clean.

The feel of his form defining mine through the strength of his embrace, the gentleness of his touch, and the depths of love revealed through his kiss.

And light--eternal light that is mine and mine alone.

Amazing tale that you have woven for us! I completely enjoyed every moment of it. Excellent job, as always. And I do hope to see more from you soon! laugh

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon