It was no vacation on the beach, but I loved the perpetual sunrise. smile1

The wind swooped and swirled around us, laughing as it twirled between us and startled into silence when Clark’s mouth covered mine, capturing the wind between his lips so that he tasted of sky and cloud and rain and open space.
Well, that's unique! No clone will fool her again.

“You know,” Clark said when he pulled back to lean his brow against mine as we caught our breath, “you were right when you said I wandered the world searching for a place that was mine, looking for some feeling of connection, knowing--*hoping*--there was somewhere I belonged. This”--he slipped his fingers from mine to gesture to the gold and silver panorama surrounding us on all sides--“is where I usually went when I couldn’t find that place, when I despaired of ever belonging. I searched the entire globe for that feeling of rightness, Lois, but I’ve only felt it once in my life.”
“The day I met you.”
Awww. clap Did she realize that she just proposed? Or accepted an unspoken proposal?

“I’m…I’m thinking that tomorrow, I might ask you out on a date. A real date.”

A laugh of molten joy escaped me. “I’m thinking that I might say yes.”
Loving the banter of these series of lines! notworthy

We hung there in the vastness of a sky large enough to encompass the whole of a world, suspended between the silver and gray vestiges of night and the burgeoning gold and carnelian and alabaster of daybreak, hovering between the blurred lines of strengthening light and fading darkness as the sun asserted its dominance. Yet Clark outshone it all as he smiled at me with a smile that told me just how many of his dreams I had made come true.
Which is why we all read FanFic, to see Clark smile like this.

Okay, more than a few quotes. blush

Great story! Loved it! You did not disappoint! Did I mention... notworthy ? Thank you for the ride!

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.