notworthy hail notworthy hail notworthy

I dove into the story over a month ago (RL : 6 and 4 year old = taking potentially a month and a half to read this story during 'free time' aka--middle of the night wink ).

I completely, utterly, constantly loved it--every chapter, every scene, every beautiful word. You were able to bring SUCH feeling into Clark...into all the hell he was dealing with (regarding Luthor's 'game' ), but yet, at the same exact time, show so much of his heart. How deeply and wholeheartedly he loves Lois.

Watching Lois go on this journey--falling bit by bit (but if she were to be honest with herself, it was pretty quickly into knowing) her friend. Coming to terms with her unrealistic crush (the clone, but also 'Superman' in general) and, without a doubt, choose Clark.

What made the story so beautiful in my mind was how constantly, how just really on faith alone, Lois had to trust her best friend. Be there for him. Believe him--and in him. Knowing that this was the middle of the first season, pretty early into their friendship really, made Lois' choices that much MORE sweet.

You put the emotions, the feelings, of 'love' into words.

Thank you--for this story, for all of the late evenings I have been privileged to enjoy in this world.

'Amazing' would be a complete inadequate description of this piece of work clap.

Last edited by LMA; 10/21/15 03:17 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~