Wow. This part had everything: humour, poignancy, and suspense, in spades. Not to mention Clark almost revealing his secret. I think he came as close as he dared to do with Superman possibly eavesdropping or Luthor's bugs possibly being in the apartment. I think he was also making sure to do everything he could -- which admittedly, wasn't much -- to see that Lois could protect herself against 'Superman,' should it be necessary.

How I wish I could have heard the private conversation between 'Superman' and Clark. And poor Clark, believing he will never be super again.

I wonder what the letter contained. I have some guesses: the revelation, a profession of love, a detailed description of what Luthor did to him in the cell and/or what threats Luthor is holding over him, a request that Lois take care of his parents should he be killed, and I could probably go on. I'm hoping that we'll be given at least a little more detail in the next installment.

I am very much looking forward to the next part.
