To address all statements:
I know this piece isn't perfect- and I had an issue with working the Kents into/out of the plot easily. One of my regrets. But the way I had to (wanted to) end it, I couldn't get them too deeply involved. Besides, this does take place six or seven months after Lois's death (not sure if I made that clear enough). Clark's back at work, surrounded by close friends and family- I don't know. Figured it would be easiest. Not necessarily best.

Secondly, I think a lot of people get the wrong impression from this piece- I think DC put it best saying that
"it's not so much about whether or not Clark commits suicide. It's more about the dark thoughts and the raw emotions that he's going through"
Because that's what it was really all about for me. I also don't subscribe to the idea that Clark would *actually* ever take such drastic actions, but rather the feeling behind it. What can I say? I like keeping people on their toes and on the defensive- and judging by the responses, I have obviously accomplished that goal! smile1 JMHO.

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain