I'm not someone who automatically rejects what the gentle readers refer to as 'deathfics', so I will accept that part of the story as part of the plot 'set up'.

This story was not about Lois' death, but about how Clark dealt, or in this case, did not deal with it.

As far as an exploration of the deep emotional pain that Clark felt and how his friends and family reacted to his state were well portrayed and acted out. The sense of guilt and hopelessness were well presented.

I don't dispute your portrayal of Clark's emotions, but I do have to take issue with his actions.

A Lois death has been depicted in other stories and has been dealt with in the comic books several times. Never have a I seen a version where Clark/Superman has become suicidal. I agree with that.

In most cases he has removed himself from interaction with the rest of Humanity to brood and wallow in his guilt in solitude.

Tank (who does agree that Lois and Superman should never be able to conceive together, or that a child could come to completion given that they are not of the same species)