The grand prize was the other Clark’s life – Superman, Lois, and a secret identity with a great job.
Excellent metaphor for Alt-Clark. thumbsup Surely he must feel like he got the short end of the stick.

“It will feel like a rescue to her, Clark, as it should. No one is in more need of a rescue than that Lois.”
Ain't that the truth! If only we could have been saved from the ARGH! in the show!

It will be interesting how everything plays out. Maybe I missed something, but how is Lois from the past going to deal with Clark being gone-- is that what Lois explained in the journal?

Ugh, anytime I write about time travel, my head spins-- so hat's off to you for making it work! I hope there is a Lois out there for Alt-Clark... if only he could have the Lois from the past-- but that wouldn't work, would it? As she'd eventually be the current Lois and then our Clark wouldn't have his Lois... oy, you see what I mean about time travel! :p

Anyway, it will be interesting to see how present-Lois deals with living with Alt-Clark and vice versa. Obviously Alt-Clark feels something for her-- and how can she not feel something for him? A lot to play with here...

Looking forward to more! hyper

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink