Great start! I'm just waiting for Clark to come into the picture. Where is he, anyway?

I had to quibble about the moon's (lack of) atmosphere too. Although this does remind me of the old joke:

Q: Did you hear about the new restaurant on the Moon?
A. Yeah, it's got great food, but no atmosphere. laugh

Did she have a relationship with Lex? They'd gone on nearly two dozen dates over the last couple of months.
Wow, that's a lot of dates! It works out to about three dates a week. Is Lois spending every other evening with Luthor? Does she still know so little about him? (Of course, I'm sure that Lex is very good at deflecting questions and concealing his real personality.)

Why is Lex dating her in this reality? She's not "Superman's girlfriend" yet. Is he dating her just to keep an eye on her? Is she interfering with his crime activities?

Again, I'm waiting for Clark to show up. And what's going to happen with the space station? What about the kryptonite? I'm sure that will be signficant later. What will STAR Labs find out about the globe? Will Lois go back to get the ship once she finds the globe is an alien artifact? Will the spaceship "disappear" like it did in TV canon? (They never did say what happened to it on the show, as I recall.)

I'm really glad that you're promising us a *long* fic. Yay! Yay! Yay!

Now get out there and post more soon! wink