Really good start. So far it seems we are seeing things as canon would have progressed without Clark. I assume you are going to leave Clark out for all of first season? Maybe have the folks on Space Station Luthor attempt to stop Nightfall and appear to be mostly successful?

I can picture Lex offering Lois a place in his underground ark and being turned down. He bobbles up as he know the attempts by Space Station Luthor will fail. While bobbled up Clark stops Nightfall without revealing himself, although the Space Station Luthor folks and people like Bernie Klein know someone/thing must have helped them.

With Luthor bobbled up Lois is able to unravel the threads of the Boss's criminal empire, it helps that Intergang is moving in and chaos is the order of the day in the formerly well controlled criminal elements of Metropolis.

Meanwhile we still don't see Clark? Or perhaps we see Clark elsewhere on the Planet? Still searching for a place he fits?

By far the largest story I'v ever written.
OK, considering the length of some of you tales that is saying something. Looking forward to it. I've enjoyed all your other tales.

As you know I tend towards nit picks. So this is about one line at the beginning.

outside the atmosphere of the moon.
Oops the moon has no atmosphere.

May I suggest you simply use the L4 or L5 point?
Thus the line would read
"Most recently there had been an attempt to build a station at the Lagrange Five point."

