Good morning folcs, just dropping in to see what Santa left in my stocking while I was away yesterday...

A few things:

Hazel, first, who is confused, and why wouldn't she be? It's 'Through the Window' that you're looking for. And I'm just impressed that you hung in and read this without any clue as to what was going on!

Tank, it's coming, but if I gave you the haircut in part one, how would I know you'd keep reading?
One of your other points too, is addressed fairly quickly in part2, but I won't bore you with it, as I know the haircut is most pressing.

gerry, I like that you find yourself with little sympathy for the returned Lois. I want to see if I can change your mind, but if I don't, do let me know. That's interesting.

ethnica, I am not at all offended that you find Lois unlikable and Clark too passive. I welcome your review, even if it includes the words "painful to read" Ouch! I'd love to hear more from you as we go, see if you still feel the same as this plays out.

Lastly, good friend Wendy who couldn't believe that I was thanking her instead of blaming her. I feel I have to point out that I *cited* you as a source for this piece. That is a whole different thing than *thanking*. I just wanted you to know, in case you thought I was going soft and that I had given up muttering your name darkly.<g>

Thanks for all the really great comments. I hope you'll stay with this and keep letting me know; good, bad, or ugly what you think.


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
