You're posting the sequel! Wonderful!!

I was wondering if you'd write two separate sequels, dealing with each of the universes separately. I'm delighted to see that you're covering both in the one story - and it works extremely well. The stories are separate but integrated, and writing them in the way you have shows the parallels between both couple's experiences. Neither has recovered from Tempus's interference. Both face a very difficult relationship, no matter how hard they try to work at it.

And so Lois1 is pregnant, and they don't know who the father is - and of course Clark is pretending that it's okay, but he really doesn't know how to handle it. He'll want to marry her because it's the decent thing to do and he does love her - but I can see already that she's afraid that this will drive them apart. frown

And then Clark2 and his Lois... I'm so glad that you aren't assuming that they would automatically fall in love, and you're doing a great job of showing Lois feeling very uncomfortable about filling someone else's shoes but at the same time not wanting to let Clark down. I was sad to see that she was considering moving out - but then what a way to make her change her mind! I think she cares for her 'husband' more than she realises.

And as for this:
She couldn’t help but notice the attention of the newsroom was focused on them. So, for good measure, and just for show, of course, she kissed him. A small kiss not directly on the mouth, just a tad bit off center, but close enough to look real. He did his part to make it look real too. Going completely still like that, stopping his incessant babbling for the kiss and a bit longer, pretending not to be breathing, and then crushing her against him until he seemed to remember the doors were still open.

Clark Kent wasn’t so stupid. He could act. Let the gossips figure that one out.
I think she doesn't know Clark anything like as well as she thinks, if she believes that he was acting just then! goofy

As for a posting schedule, much as I'd love to yell at you and urge you to post every day, I think I'll stick to the advice I gave Lynn when she was posting Save Me, Superman - every two days. That gives most people time to read instalments as they're posted without falling behind and - most important from your perspective! goofy - to post comments. It'll also give you time to respond to comments on each section without feeling overwhelmed. You'll notice that Annie is very sensibly refusing to be pushed into posting more frequently than every other day, most likely for the same reason.

So I'll look forward to seeing the second part of this on Monday. thumbsup

Wendy (who is surprised to see that CC is actually thanking her, rather than blaming her wink ) smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*