Thanks again to everyone who commented on this section. I really appreciate it and I'm so glad everyone seems to be enjoying this so far.

My responses are going to be brief this time because I'm just too tired to think properly right now. Forgive me and know that I really did love all the comments, even if I don't respond in detail.

Thanks to everyone who mentioned Clark's impassioned plea to Lois, telling her he knew it was her decision. I actually wrote that paragraph about halfway through writing Playing the Part and I've been waiting forever to use it.

Also I was intrigued by the comments about Lois' reaction to the gossip. Knowing how freaked out she is about gossip, particularly in this Universe, it's been a running theme, it didn't occur to me to make her be at least a little smug at first. I think I might go back and tweak that just a tiny bit.

I know people are disappointed that she didn't ask him to stay. But I have my reasons, which you'll see for yourselves soon enough.

Thanks again!

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen