Darn it all, Annie! How the heck am I supposed to get any of my backlog of paperwork done when you post such fantastic sections of your story???

When I got online today, I read part 2 and loved it. Then I read it again. And then I had to go back and reread part 1. And of course, then I had to go to the archive and reread Playing to Win. But even that wasn't enough, so I reread Playing the Part, read Playing to Win yet again, reread part 1 and reread part 2... again.

My desk is not getting cleaned off, and it's all your fault!! mad

But seriously, if you want to help me with my dilemma, you could quickly post parts 3 and 4 - or send them to me by email if you're not ready to share with anyone else yet - and then I could wallow to my heart's content and get this out of my system.

Fantastic story. There's too much that I loved for me to single out any one thing, although the office gossips were a lot of fun.

I'm just loving everything about this, and it looks like Playing for Keeps is going to be as wonderful as Playing the Part and Playing to Win have been.

In the absence of parts 3 and 4, I guess I'm going to have to make do by rereading Anybody's Baby, All Alone, Kindred Spirits, By Firelight, Desperately Seeking Clark.... Well, you get the picture.


I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.