Annie - I'm so thrilled that you're posting this! And I'm behind on my feedback, so I didn't get the chance to tell you how much I loved the revelation in Part 1 - like everyone else has said, the line itself has already become a classic, and I love how Clark needed to tell her as himself - as her boyfriend - and not as Superman. thumbsup

And in Part 2, I absolutely, totally love this. And yes, I know that several others have already quoted it, but I'm sure that everyone will want to read it again because it's just so wonderful, so I'll quote it here... [Linked Image]
Clark took a deep breath and continued. “I’ll fight for you. I'll tell you that you are the most important thing in my life and that I will do anything to make this up to you. I'll tell you that I've loved you from the moment I met you and that every day I love you more than the last. I'll tell you that my life is meaningless without you and that you are the only thing that keeps me going when things get rough. I'll beg you to stay with me and plead with you to love me. But if you still want to walk away, there's nothing I can do because it's your choice."

Lois' lip trembled as she listened to his impassioned speech. "Why me? You could have any woman in the world? How can I possibly mean so much to you?"

"Lois, you mean everything to me. I don't want anyone else. You are the only one I want. The only one I've ever wanted. The only one I will ever want. I love you."
I'm so happy that Lois was able to get over her anger so rapidly, recognizing Clark's confusion in all this too. Yay, Lois!

And I hadn't even thought about word spreading from gossipy reporters from other newspapers at the conference. Great idea, Annie! Juicy news travels fast...

She remembered Kim now. She was the copy editor from the San Diego Union Tribune.
Hey, that's my local paper... smile

And I loved the fact that Lois was pro-active with the two gossipy women at the DP, rather than just hiding in a corner doing nothing...and I love the lovely scene with L&C at her apartment where he's rubbing her legs while reading and she realizes that she's seeing the *real* Clark, and I love... well, I could just go on and on and on...

But at least there are only a few more hours to go until Part 3 is posted. laugh


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5