Reticent? The horse didn't want to talk?
Oops. I'll change that to skittish.

Planet Krypton would be trillions of miles away. At least.
I'll change that to trillions.

I'm glad that Lois knows that "Charlie" is really Clark. I don't know why, but I find it slightly grating not to be able to call Clark Clark.
If you think it's grating not to be able to think of Clark as Clark, you should try writing it. laugh No one is happier than I am to drop the Charlie name. laugh

Well, it's a good thing I posted last night because the Saskatchewan Roughriders went into overtime tonight and, rivited as I was to the game (football), I would never have remembered to post. (Oh, and since I know you will all be thrilled to know this... my boys won!!!!)

Anyway, thanks for your comments and speculation. I'm continuing to enjoy it.

ML wave


She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane