Well, the boards where unreachable this morning.

Anyway, I'm sort of at a loss here. Except to mention that there's a special place in hell reserved for truly evil authors.

/takes a moment to pop in another nitroglycerin pill to stabilize newly developed heart condition/

I fully expected her to be dead. And hurt. It was the only logical setup, given how she explicitly noted her lack of self-defense training a couple of part ago.

“Lois,” he breathed, his hand hovering slightly above the fresh stains.
The only silver lining is that she apparently fought to the death before he could hurt her.

She's alive. But is she hurt? Probably not. She wouldn't be alone in the room. Or left in there with the medics if she were. Would she? And I think about here was the second heart attack.

He whispered her name over and over, planting kisses on her hair, cheeks, face, neck, bare upper arms...
Followed by a third, because maybe they hadn't time to get her out and her clothes are torn and eek

Suddenly, the whole picture of what he had seen when he’d first looked up filtered its way into his mind.

Lois Lane... wearing nothing but a towel.
/ambulance arrives and the defi is being brought out./ Shower? She wouldn't be wearing a towel if she... But I think I got sort of moved away from the light again at this point...

A quick knock on the door was followed by Henderson poking his head inside. “Sorry,” he said when he, too, took in what she was wearing. “I thought we were finished, but...” He gestured to the rug. “Guess we should hold onto that, too.”
From heart attack to laugh attack in five paragraphs. Did I mention the special place in hell already?

Lois closed and locked the door, ignoring Linda’s muttered protests, before turning back towards Charlie.

Giving a final sigh, he dropped it, watching as it sunk through three thousand fathoms of water to settle in the silt on the ocean floor.
shock Oops. Now he’s most definitely thinking with his… well, the part that’s not his brain.

The Daily Planet would be running a different headline. ‘Stafford Arrested For Wesley Murder.’
/whispers/ I don’t think the headline works. Nobody knows who ‘Stafford’ is. Or ‘Wesley’. It would probably not even work in the Ink & Quill. Unless Bob already made the frontpage the previous day and there’s a ruckus going on about him.

She giggled, suddenly having some very erotic images of just what a ‘private lunch’ between her and Charlie might entail. Using her tongue to chase some sub sauce down his bare chest was a particularly appealing image - although not quite as appealing of having him do the same to her. If it were chocolate sauce on the other hand...
Yep, not shy at all eek

‘Hi, honey. I’m home,’ was what she had intended to say. What she said instead was, “Charlie!”
shock She’s pregnant. And little Clark will be born just when Lois is supposed to have her internship. O boy. Oh boy. Oh boy.

She gasped.
I fully expected him to have disappeared.

“Wha...” she began, staring at him as if taking in a stranger. Reaching out a trembling hand, she touched the fully grown beard now covering his face.
Or merged with his timetwin.

“I don’t want to hear it, Char... Clark. I don’t want to hear anything except that you love me and that you’ll never leave me.”
Yes, but if he *were* married?

A knock on the door prevented Clark’s lips from touching hers. She gave him a frustrated smile.
Who’s it now?

Oh, hello,” she said, cutting herself off when she opened the door and saw the strangely dressed little man standing on the other side.
Oooh boy.

“I’ve come to fetch you, my boy,” Wells said. “You have to come back to the future with me. Everything depends on it.”
Oooooooooh booooooy…

Kathy’s right. Waiting 42 hours for the next part is okay this time. But I still stand by my earlier remark about special places.

Oh, and I have no idea where it will go. Where it could go, well, there’s the classic of hiding away. And Clark getting back to the future and finding a picture of himself, his 10 y/o kid, and his wife on his desk. And a frontpage on ‘Linda, the Madame of Capitol Hill’.

Michael, who's sort of worried about the length of this piece of FDK

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