Everyone else already said everything so I'll just put in the mandatory quibble.

feeling much as if she were trying to approach a reticent horse.
Reticent? The horse didn't want to talk?

   /ˈrɛtəsənt/ Show Spelled[ret-uh-suhnt] –adjective
disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved.
reluctant or restrained.
1. taciturn, quiet, uncommunicative.

Maybe the horse was skittish or reluctant instead?

And yes, speaking of horses, I'm looking this gift one right in the mouth. wink

This was where he belonged, with her, in her arms. A place that existed, not in black and white and maybe shades of gray, but a place bursting with color and possibilities.
I love this line. It describes the alt-Clark's life so well. He was living a B&W life. It's like Dorothy before she goes to Oz.

A small sound seeped from the back of her throat and then her arms were around his neck and she was kissing him with the same abandon he was showing her. His arm slipped under her legs. He picked her up in his arms as the kiss continued. In only two steps, he was placing a knee on her bed to gently place her on the surface.

He pulled back far enough to meet her eyes, silently assuring himself that this was really what she wanted. She reached for him and, without further thought, he surrendered all that he was and all that he would ever be to the woman he loved.
OMG! So romantic! So wonderful! And so full of angst and doom because we know there are more parts of the fic to come? Why would there be more parts if our protagonists have solved all their problems and are going to live happily ever after? I know they took off their shoes, but I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop (all right, that was bad.)

She wasn’t sure he even realized it, but at one point, she was pretty sure they’d actually been floating.
*snicker* *cough* *laughing*

Well, she supposed that answered the question of whether he was using some sort future technology to accomplish the flying thing because, at that moment, he hadn’t had very many places to hide high tech gadgets.
*snicker harder and longer*

“Whispering? I’m not whispering,” Lois whispered.
*laughs out loud*

Giving a final sigh, he dropped the time machine, watching as it sunk through three thousand fathoms of water to settle in the silt on the ocean floor.
Why do I think he's going to end up regretting that action?

They had a lot still to talk about. And she was surprised to realize that he was more important to her than getting more copy space in any paper, even the Daily Planet.
And this is the Lois who hasn't had to become the Mad Dog. This Lois has her priorities in order.

The future would be whatever they decided it would be. And in her future, he was going to be her friend and lover. And nothing was going to change that now.

A knock on the door prevented Clark’s lips from touching hers. She gave him a frustrated smile.
No, no, no! The kiss that wasn't. Obviously a metaphor for whatever new problems you're going to throw at them in the next chapters!

Despite my quibbling and my dread about what's going to happen next, I'm really enjoying this fic and can hardly wait for the next chapter. *Thanks* for posting early!