I thought I had it all figured out, but now it looks like I was wrong.

To me it looked like we had an explanation for Lois' 'disappearance'. She and future Clark were 'holed up' somewhere together, staying out of the public eye until the timestream caught up with Clark's original disappearance into the past. Then they could emerge together and take their rightful spots in the new flow of the future.

I could just see Lois, at the Daily Planet (before Clark actually arrived) constantly sneaking off to see her 'secret' lover until the Congo story comes along and gives her the means to be with him openly.

Oh well, now I guess I'll just have to keep reading and find out what happens as it happens.

Tank (who says that the 'proper' haircut for Lois would have been a perfect way for her to disguise her identity while she and Clark waited for time to catch up with them)