Framework posted:
quote: The sirens were gone, but there was no mistaking the flashing red and blue lights up ahead.

I don't know about your local area, but in mine blue is reserved for Police. So no ambulance.

Plus if the future was changed again we'd expect to see Clark doubled over in pain briefly as he has in other parts.
Ah, but the quote above doesn't say how many flashing lights there are, just that the word is plural. I interpreted it to mean multiple vehicles with the sirens turned off (which they never leave on once they are in place anyway).

Plus there was this:
That decided, he lay back down, only to hear the distinctive sound of an ambulance.
So there was at least an ambulance there earlier, if not now!

And so far, there's always been a delay between Clark's attacks and the changes he's made, so I don't think there's any guarantee he'd be feeling the effects just yet. Though given how much he's changed this time, even if Lois is sitting there sipping coffee and giving her statement, I think he'll be in a for a big one once this is all over!

Actually, I am considering posting tonight.
*Quickly puts some bills in an envelope and slides it across the table to ML ... then realizes my money isn't colorful enough for her. * Darn it! wink
