Had his decision to come into the past resulted in Lois dying six years earlier than she would have otherwise?
Yipes! Time to hop into the time machine, go back half an hour, and rescue Lois while his slightly earlier self is still in bed. Or perhaps go back even further. I recall that when you were writing this story, you mentioned in a post that you were juggling six different timelines. IIRC, these are the ones we've seen thus far:

1) alt-Clark's "present"
2) Clark trying to talk Lois out of going to the Congo
3) Clark waiting for Lois in Brazzaville (Did you consider this to be part of the same timeline as in #2?)
4) Clark rescuing a very young Lois
5) Clark's arrival at NTU

Did I forget any jumps? If not, we still have at least one, possibly two, timelines to go. Maybe even more, if you added additional timelines to your story after your MB post. (Of course, it is also possible in theory that you pruned a timeline or two since that post, but I would guess that you hadn't.)

I must say that I did have some difficulty at first with Clark's "not my problem" attitude. That had never been his outlook even in his pre-Superman days. He always made everything his problem. But then I remembered that this wasn't really Clark, it was alt-Clark, and that made the attitude more in character.

Eagerly awaiting the drop of the next part.
