Originally posted by KathyB:
while the ambulance is awaiting a patient is making me very nervous!
What ambulance?
The sirens were gone, but there was no mistaking the flashing red and blue lights up ahead.
I don't know about your local area, but in mine blue is reserved for Police. So no ambulance.

Plus if the future was changed again we'd expect to see Clark doubled over in pain briefly as he has in other parts.

Originally posted by shimauma:
I seem to remember she took some AFTER college,
Well this Lois Lane was played by Teri Hatcher, so would have learned how to deal with guys as soon as she got a figure in High School. Granted she may have taken up the arts after college but I'm sure she learned how to take out a male by the time she was 16.

evil Originally posted by MLT:
if I want to get it posted before Thanksgiving. So...
Now that is evil!
