Preview of 39

"No," Perry admitted. "But I wish there was something I could do to help."

An idea that had been floating nebulously in Clark's mind for a few days suddenly took shape. "There is something," he said.

"Name it."

"I have to be in Melbourne for the 16th of September."

"And I've already said that's fine."

"Would it be OK if I took a slightly longer weekend at the end of next week?" Clark asked.

"You want to go back twice? Next week *and* in September?"

Clark nodded.

Perry chuckled. "Whoa, she must mean a lot to you if you're willing to fly to Australia twice in two weeks."

"She means *everything* to me," Clark asserted.

Perry's humour died. "Sure, that's OK," he said. "You have a lot of leave built up. Go ahead and book the flights; let me know which days you'll be away."

"Thanks, Chief."

"Lucky you're a good flier, huh?"

"Yeah, lucky."
FDK goes here!



ETA - Eek, forgot this ... Thanks to Deja Vu for suggesting the Martha and Jonathan scene.