This looks like it could be a fun ride. I'm enjoying the culture clash/fish out of water situation that Clark has to deal with.

I also like, and sympathize with, this Lois. She seems very likeable and friendly, yet her obvious loneliness comes through.

I am getting an impression that the Austrailia and it's folks of this particular era aren't terribly progressive.

I don't know if its deliberate, or just a byproduct of this particular story (ie a newspaper environment) but the implied defacto discrimination against women in general and Lois in particular is somewhat depressing. Maybe it's this situation that is mostly responsibly for this Lois' character building.

Also, I'm a guy, and I like sports. Most particularly, baseball and football. But while I consider myself a fan, I'm not a fanatic. I find those who live, eat, and sleep their favorite sports a bit pathetic.

Again, it might be part of this particular story, but is everyone in Melbourne totally fanatic about their football. I know that Clark is supposed to pose as a sports reporter, but so far he hasn't run into anyone who seems... 'normal'.

I guess I'm experiencing some of the culture confusion that Clark is while reading this story. I'll continue to do so, if only to see Lois lose her infatuation with Dan Scardino.

Tank (who wonders if Austrialian Rules Football is the same thing as what we used to call Rugby)