Oooh! FDK - that nectar of the gods. smile1

cookiesmom - Ah, waffiness. My favorite! I'm glad you think it's waffy.

Lynn - blush You flatter me. Go on. :p

HappyGirl - Thank you! I'll have part 3 for you in a few days.

elizabeth - Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

sarah - Yay! Thank you.

Pam - LOL! I was giggling at the… and the… and then the…. Cracked me up. laugh

Laura - Thank you!

Evelyn - Ooo! The bouncy smiley! Thanks!

Ann - Another long FDK from you! Thank you so much! I model my Clark/Lois banter on the show; most especially the first season when they were both such smartas$es. It was fun to watch and it's fun to write. The impression I got on the show was that Clark did have Lois figured out and he needled her in a way that was like the verbal equivalent of a wink. I had no idea that, all these years, you've been reading their banter as mean-spirited! sad Gah! I swear it's not! They're flirting! The reason that Clark hesitated after Lois asked him to fly with her is explained in part three - and I promise he doesn't think she's flaunting her powers.

Thank you so much to everyone who's reading. I very much appreciate the support. jump

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis