Since I always hate Clark's lies about himself to Lois...
We could also list the ways Lois treated Clark so badly, starting with "Clark is the before and Superman is the way, way after" class of comment. Or we could talk about Lois accepting Lex' proposal when she didn't love him. Or the way she treated Clark like a doormat so often.

Besides, we don't know how she might have reacted to that little bit of information. Maybe she would have said something like, "What? Clark Kent is Superman? You mean Superman is a hack from Nowhereseville? Superman is the one who cuts and runs when I try to talk to you about personal things? Superman's the one who won't commit to a relationship? That's the last headline you get from me, you flying hayseed!"

This, of course, does not justify Clark's deceptions. But I do wish to point out (again!) that both of them are imperfect characters, which, by the way, is what makes it so much fun to write about them. There's so much room for each of them to grow!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing