PPS - I'm seeing more and more of Clark in Kal.
Oh good! Because that is exactly what I'm trying to achieve.

The first time I read this, I was focused on the line, "Did Jor-El hurt when La left him?" with the unspoken, "like I hurt when Lois leaves me." Awwww....
Initially, I had pretty much that exact ending to that sentence ... then decided to go the less obvious route.

But you still picked it up smile1 Thanks.

Laura I couldn't write an NK fic without the black suit making an appearance somewhere!

Thanks for your FKD.

Emma Wow! Thanks for you long FDK.

Lois - I've tried to balance her natural fire and inclination for risk-taking with being in such an unfamiliar environment.

(Although I was expecting someone to queston why, after the Report, she basically hid in her room until she was sure everyone had gone. My reasoning was that being one 'human' amongst 400+ 'aliens' would be a little disconcerting ... even for Lois).

Obstacles - Clearly a completely angst-free story risks being boring, but sometimes the obstacles used to keep a couple apart (not just in LnC, but in all TV, movies, books etc) just irritate me - particularly when the solution is so simple everyone can see it ... except it seems, the two people involved.

I've enjoyed being able to keep this fic relatively straightforward. I'm glad you're enjoying that too.

Loved your comments about Tek.

Artemis The spoon was mentioned once in Part 4 - the first time they had breakfast together.

“What food do we have?” Low-iss asked.


Her mouth-twitch widened, causing a swirl of reactions inside him. “We have oatmeal,” she exclaimed. “At home.”

He offered her one of the spoons.

“And we have spoons,” she said.

“You can’t eat oatmeal with the chop-stick,” Kal said.
Thanks for your FDK - glad you liked the closing lines! wink


Uhmm ... the explanation of the skintight suit ... uhmm ... is there one in canon? wink Because if there is, I'll go with that.

Thanks, Michael.

Happy Girl Oh, there are so many things I could say about your FDK.

When Lois sees the man coming out of Ard's room, her first (and only) thought is Kal (I thought about having her go to Ard's room to check if Ard was OK) - which is, as you said, taken from Lois's natural inclination to protect Superman.

You're right about Lois not getting a good look at the man - she saw enough to think he is male, but nothing else.

(I've just written the scene where Lois finds out what he was doing in Ard's room!!)

Thanks, Happy - wonderfully thought out FDK, as usual.

Ann A Close Encounter?? All I'm saying is I haven't written it yet ... so if it happens, it won't be anytime soon.

Your paragraph about Kal's sexual experiences ... close!

Your paragraph about Ard and Nor or Nor's servant ... not so close!

And as for your final thoughts ... I can see so many hilarious possibilities with that ... but I don't think they will be in this fic.

Sheila Thanks for your comments and interest, Sheila.

Shadow Thanks - good point about Lois's stories getting into the community.

Part 16 is about half written and I have the rest of it plotted, so once I get it to Iolanthe, I'll post Part 12.

Thanks everyone.
