I was just re-reading Chapter 11, when I noticed something I hadn't noticed the first time around:

Had Jor-El kissed his wife, La? Did Jor-El hurt when La left him?

Or was their marriage like his to Za?

Empty and meaningless with only one objective – one objective which, so far, had eluded them.
The first time I read this, I was focused on the line, "Did Jor-El hurt when La left him?" with the unspoken, "like I hurt when Lois leaves me." Awwww....

So focused was I on that, that I didn't pay much attention to the part about "one objective which, so far, had eluded them."

Why has Kal been kept clueless as to how babies are made? Tek gave him cologne, saying only that the ladies like it, with no futher comment. Does this mean Tek assumes that Kal knows more than he does? Does this have anything to do with the instructions that no one is to talk about the Supreme Leader? Is that rule meant to ensure that no one realizes that Kal is deliberately being kept in a state of ignorance in order to ensure no heirs are born to him? Was Kal's wife at the speech? If so, is *she* likewise in the dark about the birds and the bees? Is Nor behind this? So many questions!

More, please! hyper

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster