A lot has already been said, to which I will say a hearty 'amen.' A few details I noticed on a second reading:

--"If this became public, would Kal be openly shamed?

Would he be forced – under Kryptonian Law – to take action?

What was the punishment for consorting with another man’s concubine? The *Supreme Ruler’s* concubine?

Lois shivered and decided she would say nothing of this to Kal. Not until she knew more.

But she *would* find out more.

A whole lot more."

Echoes of Lois Lane, defender of Superman. Lois would squash a story to protect Superman, and Lois will keep a secret to protect Kal. BTW, the man in Ard's room could still be Nor. Lois didnt' get a good look at him, so wouldn't have recognized him at the ceremony.

--"'I won’t leave you, Kal,' Lois said. 'Not unless you ask me to.' Why does that sound like a vow? smile1

--"Somehow, she had to inject some life into this planet." Wow. Lois is one strong woman. She's stranded on this strange world, entirely dependent on Kal for her survival, and she's ambitious enough to think about what influence *she* can have on the entire planet. That's what happens when you let Lois Lane get bored.

--“I hope my words today will avert disaster.” And yet his actual words were pretty brief. So I'm wondering which disaster he was worried about. His people not accepting Lois? Panic about the lack of water? Rebellion over the lack of an heir? Most likely, civil war between the factions and despair in the face of their difficulties. I actually wondered whether Kal himself is thinking of unity between the factions rather than the production of an heir as the unmet objective of his marriage. Yet he did mention the heir in his speech. So maybe it's more of two sides of the same coin--the heir being the key to the unity.

--"He could never be hers." Actually, Lois, he already is. He just doesn't have the words to say so yet. laugh

"Possibly four hundred. Maybe more." If this is the entire adult population of New Krypton, this colony is in serious trouble. Once they find water, their next order of business is to drastically increase the birth rate. Hopefully somebody besides Tek and his wife remembers how. love

We're all enthralled, Corrina. Keep it coming. cool

This *is* my happily ever after.